Fan Art Competition
Good at making memes, video or even AI art? We accept all of them!
One (1) art per post
Multiple submissions of different artworks allowed but only one (1) art per post
No stolen copyrighted art
No nudity, obscene, vulgarity and discriminatory images and text
Recommended: To post on Twitter (X), you will need to tag* - #raggieart #annie2023 #cryptoraggies
No Twitter (X)? You should only post on our Discord channel - #anni-fan-art-contest-2023, you will need to tag* Co-founder - @crafter.raggie
Organiser will have the rights to use participants' artwork(s) as promotional and publicity materials on platforms such as, Discord and Twitter (X)
Organiser will be given the rights to edit and amend participants' artwork(s)
Please post on only 1 of your chosen platform (Discord or Twitter (X))
*Failure to tag will result in disqualification
Judging by community votes
On Twitter (X) - We judge based on the number of "Like"
On Discord - We judge based on the number of "Emoji". If a user/member attached multiple "Emoji", it will still be counted as 1 vote.
Posting the same artworks on both Discord and Twitter (intentionally or unintentionally), will result in disqualification. Please post on only 1 of your chosen platform (Discord or Twitter (X))
Top 3 artworks by community votes on Discord and Twitter
Animated Annie 2023 NFT
Top 3 participants/artworks selected by CryptoRaggies Team
50 ADA
Animated Annie 2023 NFT
Last updated