The first truly P&E and F2P Cardano NFT game!
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The first truly P&E and F2P Cardano NFT game!
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RaggieRun is our first casual game created under the CryptoRaggies brand. We are also very proud of the fact that this is the first NFT-enabled game with a working wallet connection launched on the Cardano blockchain.
How to play?
View RaggieRun website in RaggieWorld (Requires Cardano Wallet).
The "infinite runner" genre may sound simple, but we have created additional complexity and challenge for RaggieRun players by integrating NFT traits into the game as superpowers. We have also implemented a procedurally generated random dungeon and a boss fight at this early stage of the game's development to create a varied and engaging gaming experience for all!
RaggieRun is a Free2Play game, so there is no upfront cost required to play the game! It is optional to mint a Raggie and play as your NFT in the game. Anyone can enjoy the game even without a Raggie NFT!
When playing without a Raggie NFT, you will get to choose and play with a Raggie supplied by our Raggie NFT holders through staking. By doing so, 5% of your in-game score will be transferred to the owner of the Raggie you're playing with. Your score will also enter into a separate, dedicated F2P leaderboard!
There are many ways to earn through RaggieRun Play & Earn!
Enter into top 10 of our weekly main high score leaderboard, NakieRun leaderboard, BlockOwls or NFT Invaderz special leaderboard
Be the champion on our weekly cumulative high score or score rate leaderboards
Stake your Raggies for passive $RAG yield and XP accumulation
Earn XP through RaggieRun and convert them into $RAG
RaggieRun is now fully compatible with our ecosystem light-wallet built from ground up specifically for mobile NFT gaming! You can connect to your wallet using RaggiePurrse regardless of platform or device.
If you need support and guides, please join our Discord.
Visit RaggieStore within RaggieWorld to buy in-game items.
Having a weapon or a shield in your wallet will allow your Raggie to use them during Boss Fights, greatly helping you protect your game points! If you're skilled enough, you may even snag a few points back from the Bosses! You can also buy RaggieRage superpower add-ons from RaggieStore which are valid for 24 hours from the time of minting. When expired, they can be burnt in RaggieShrine for an entry into a raffle for amazing prizes!
Read more about RaggieStore
Learn about RaggieShrine
If you need tech support and guides, please join our Discord.
If you are interested in using our in-game billboard for advertising or promotions, game related collaboration or wallet integration technology, message us on Twitter or visit our Discord server.