Login (Desktop)
Last updated
Last updated
Before you can enter RaggieWorld, you will need to Login. Click on the LOGIN button and a menu will pop-up.
You will see a list of popular Cardano wallets to choose from. Our system will detect the wallet available for you to use automatically. For example, if you have a Nami extension in your browser, Nami button will be selectable.
Version number From time to time, we will update RaggieWorld. When there is a patch or update, we will announce it on Discord or X (Twitter). If you version number doesn't match the one in our latest version announcement, click on DISCONNECT WALLET at least 2 times for refresh the version. If you are still on the old version, we suggest clearing your Browser cache or reinstall the PWA.
Profile Pic If you have a CryptoRaggies NFT in your wallet, you can use it as your profile picture. If you hold 10,000 $RAG or more, you will be able to select NFTs from other projects that are inside your wallet.
Account Details Once you have connected your wallet and Discord to RaggieWorld, your account details should look similar to the example below.
First Line - Discord Handle
Second Line - Wallet Address
Third Line - Stake Address
Fourth Line - ADA Handle