MogFight - RaggieRun
Let the Alley Cats fight it out!
Last updated
Let the Alley Cats fight it out!
Last updated
The Moggie NFT you are about to mint is designed based on our neighbour's cat.
A "Moggie" cat, also known as a "mixture" or "mixed-breed" cat, refers to a cat that does not belong to a specific recognised breed and does not have pedigree lineage.
There are 3 Moggies (Ballsy, Meowdas and Degen) to choose from, you can mint 1 or all 3!
A Moggie is a time-bound NFT and works like a Raggie in RaggieRun. They all come with superpower enabled traits. Each Moggie is valid for 7 days from the time of minting. After a Moggie expires, it can be burnt in RaggieShrine in exchange for raffle entries!
Enter RaggieWorld and connect to your Cardano Wallet.
Open RaggieStore.
Please note that Moggies are only available to mint from 8th Sept 2023 1600 UTC until our anniversary month of celebrations concludes on 30th Sept 2023 2359 UTC